Version 0.7 isn't savegame compatible and the next version may not be compatible with savegames from 0.7, so be warned. This version has been uploaded to find bugs and problems, not all buildings are buy- and buildable atm, no animal products are getting produced.ģ1.October.2012 Version 0.42 code updates, changes to ai behavior (traders and city upgrades), bank redone, city improvements first iterationĢ2.September.2012 Version 0.41 Update to Warband 1.53, just for testing if everything is fine after conversationĠ3.June.2011: Version 0.4 new prices, reworked merchant ai, first version of plundering and murdering featuresĠ7.May.2011: Version 0.3 uploaded for testing of NPC-city-expand, workforce and selling/buying dialogs, reworked tax and rentsĢ7.April.2011: Version 0.2 uploaded for testing of Kontor Features and Population growġ1.April.2011: Version 0.1 uploaded for testing of basic economic functions First Version of the "city council"-featureset has been implemented, mainly with placeholders.

Added new tradegoods (total of 65 (24 in native)), "faction-exclusive goods", new marketscreens and new ressources from other mods ("Floris Basic" and "More new Companions"). Nearly every script got rewritten, that plays a role in production, building and consumption. 24.Juli.2015 Version 0.7uploaded with many more companions (120 total) 6 new partyskills lord try to kill each other and city council members many bugfixes and changes to internal calculations first choices and consquences features new items and scenes new names for some lords and citys the ability to buy, sell and build the new facilitys introduced in 0.5 minor changes to the trooptree new mercenary minor factions now roam the land the ability to convert other lord to your religion the book of law feature, to influence your kingdom and moreĠ4.April.2015 Version 0.6 uploaded with lots of new ressources and changes to the ai behavior new trooptypes and changes to the trooptrees religious npcs now get religious troops sometimes added kingsguard troops to kings more diverse civilian npc in towns named npc partys and npcs in towns all npcs and player have a character and religion that influences theyr behavior and opinion of player updated the kontor price setting presentations so automated trading in villages and town is possible again new interiors for banks and churches added hunting for deers, wolfes and boarsĠ6.Dezember.2014 Version 0.5 has been uploaded for testing.