
Star wars centerpoint station
Star wars centerpoint station

star wars centerpoint station

Seyah destroy Centerpoint Station in Fury.

star wars centerpoint station

During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, Anakin Solo refused to use Centerpoint Station to destroy an entire Yuuzhan Vong fleet in the Battle of Fondor, so Thrackan Sal-Solo fired it instead however, his aim was off, resulting in the destruction not only of the Yuuzhan Vong fleet but also of a great deal of the allied Hapan fleet as well.

star wars centerpoint station star wars centerpoint station

In the Corellian Crisis, Thrackan Sal-Solo, a cousin of Han Solo, intends to use the station to force entire star systems into submission and restore the Imperial system in the Corellian Sector. They could also be used to produce gravity wells anywhere in the galaxy, or even one spanning the entire galaxy. It was theorized that this could be used to increase the range and accuracy of the "Starbuster" beam. Centerpoint was designed to work in concert with the planetary repulsors of the five Corellian System worlds. In addition, it can project an artificial gravity well spanning the entire Corellian System, making hyperspace travel within the system impossible. The tractor beam system can be used as a weapon capable of destroying entire stars. The station sits at a Lagrangian point between the latter two worlds. With the future of Corellian freedom at stake, Han and those loyal to the Republic must somehow resist.Centerpoint Station is an ancient space station capable of moving entire planets with its tractor beams eons ago, it moved the planets Corellia, Drall, Selonia and possibly Talus and Tralus to their current location. Then the true leaders of the rebellion reveal their identities and issue their final ultimatum: The New Republic must withdraw all claim to power over the entire Corellian sector. But as a massive rebel fleet closes in on Centerpoint, Han, Luke, and their friends will discover time is running out. There's only one way to stop it: blow up the station. It is the infamous Starbuster itself, and its next programmed nova, hard-wired in, is set to annihilate a chosen star, its inhabited worlds, and millions of innocent lives. Meanwhile, Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrissian manage to discover the terrifying secret of Centerpoint Station. When a loyalist ship approaching Selonia is blasted out of space, Han Solo quickly realizes that rebel forces are turning planetary repulsors into weapons of immense destruction. In this third and final volume of the Corellian trilogy, Han and Luke lead the Alliance in a mad scramble against the Selonian rebels for control of the planetary technology.

Star wars centerpoint station